5/1/17 Report

Fellow Republicans and Committee Members –
Please find my post-quarterly meeting report below.
1. Voter Registration Training: We will be holding a voter registration training on Tuesday, May 2nd, 6:30 PM at the Treasure Coast Builders Association (where REC meetings are normally held).
This opportunity is open to all members of the St. Lucie County Republican Executive Committee – so please consider attending even if you did not sign up for the voter registration committee. This event is being offered in conjunction with the Republican Party of Florida as a part of Project Majority Red. Our RPOF Regional Director, Nilsa Alvarez, will be conducting the training.
Thank you to everyone who has already responded that you are attending.
2. Republican Party of FL Quarterly: This past weekend the Republican Party of Florida held their first quarterly meeting of the year.
Seminars I attended included:
The Dos and Dont’s of Registering New Voters: Statewide voter gap is 297,089. The goal of Project Majority Red is to have more Republicans than Democrats in Florida We are going to close this gap precinct by precinct. Our St. Lucie County REC was recognized as a 3rd Party Voter registration committee in good standing. In terms of registering voters, the statute to be familiar with is 104.012. We will cover this in more detail at Tuesday’s training and in future activities of the voter registration committee.
Building a Winning Budget: You can view the presentation here [link omitted for web]. The big takeaway is we need to raise $11,000 to fully cover our absentee ballot chase – not accounting for any overhead expense.
How to Organize a Lincoln Day Dinner: One idea I liked was instituting an “REC Bucks” program to reward individuals who take an active role in selling tickets and ads. I will talk more about this with Mary Ann. I have also forwarded her the presentation.
Other seminars I attended included:  How to run an effective REC meeting, Media Training: What You Need To Know, How to Win Non-Partisan Elections, and Using Social Media as a Political Tool. I also attended the minority engagement committee where I spoke about the importance of being present and our State Committeemen/women caucus where I spoke about the Digital Engagement Committee’s plans to create best practices for management/ownership of digital assets.
The training seminars were very informative and are open to all of you as well – so I highly recommend that you attend if you are able. Our next quarterly meeting will be Friday, August 11 and Saturday, August 12 at the Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando. You can book a room by calling 1-866-996-6338 and asking for the Republican Party of Florida book of rooms.
3. Digital Engagement Committee: I am excited to chair the digital engagement committee with my friend Jesse Phillips from Seminole County.
At our meeting we took the following actions:
– We will be sending a digital audit/survey to the Chairman, State Committeeman, and State Committeewoman in each of the 67 counties
– We created a subcommittee to work on best practices for Facebook, Websites, Twitter, Email, Google Advertising, and management/ownership of digital assets.
– We will be offering digital training in specific counties with partners and other committee members.
4. Republican Headquarters: A special thanks to Leigh and June Lamson for getting our headquarters in order. A special thanks to Mike Loeb and Charles Le Gall for all your work in the headquarters as well and to everyone who has signed up for a shift.
5. Lincoln Day Dinner: Our Lincoln Day Dinner will be held on July 15, 2017. Please encourage everyone you know to purchase tickets at www.lincolnday.org.
6. Next Board Meeting & REC Meeting: The steering committee will meet this Saturday, May 6 at 10 AM at our Republican Headquarters. Our REC will meet Tuesday, May 9th at 6:30 PM at the Treasure Coast Builders Association.
7. Legislative Session: Please pray for our Governor and legislators as they enter the final week of legislative session. A special thank you to Senate President Negron and Representatives Harrell, Grall, and Pigman for their hard work representing St. Lucie County with conservative principles.
Posted in Committeeman Newsletter.

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